3-Position Synthesis with Inversion Method using Unigraphics NX4 Sketch - Introduction
Example [3-Position Motion Generation Synthesis with Alternate Moving Pivots using Unigraphics NX4 Sketch] shows how to synthesize
four-bar linkages according to required moving pivots. By doing this, we first define desired locations of moving pivots then get positions of fixed pivots O2 and O4. However, sometimes it may be more useful to define the location of fixed pivots O2 and O4 first, then find other linkages that can move according to 3 desired positions of moving pivots.
An Inversion method of four-bar linkage will be introduced in [3-Position Synthesis with Inversion Method using Unigraphics NX4 Sketch - Part 2]
An Inversion method of four-bar linkage will be introduced in [3-Position Synthesis with Inversion Method using Unigraphics NX4 Sketch - Part 2]