Motion Simulation in Solid Edge using sketches together with Microsoft Excel VBA Programming Part II
To link solid edge variables to Microsoft excel, we can do by enter formula in the variables table or use VBA code. In this post, I would like to show how easy to make it using variables table.You can use the Variable Table to define and edit functional relationships between the dimensions of a design in a familiar spreadsheet format. The Variable Table is accessed with the Variables command on the Tools menu. There are two types of variables: dimensions displayed in the design and variables you create directly in the Variable Table. Dimension variables directly control elements of a design. Variables that you create cannot directly control the design. A user variable must be set equal to a value or mathematical expression; for example, PI = 3.14159. Variables can control dimensional relationships by setting the dimensional relationship equal to the variable.Let's begin... 1) Open Solid Edge and make a sketch as shown below. Mechanism in this example consists of cam, lever,...